Jan. 13, 2022, Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences (CSAS) announced it will hold a career fair on March 11. The schools guidance office dubbs March as Career Awareness Month to help students start planning their education and career pathways.
The article points out that with a booming economy, local officials want to “show students how this community is becoming the blueprint for the nation in terms of redeveloping its financial structure.” Officials invite local employers to “enlighten our students about the importance of education and the benefits in/around the Chattanooga area by taking an active role in this fair.“
CSAS uses students’ YouScience Discovery and ASVAB results to help identify students’ aptitudes and interests to guide them towards best-fit “career, college, internships and scholarships while evaluating their academic progress.”
The fair is planned for March 11 from 1:00 to 3:45 p.m. in the school’s main gymnasium and will aim to lets students explore careers with people currently working in fields that align with their aptitudes.
Find the full article on Chattanooga.com website.