Exam development and validation

YouScience® is contracted nationwide to create and administer certification exams for school districts, states, and industry. 

With our exams, we offer multiple reports that help administrators, teachers, and industry leaders gauge where participants fall in the certification process. The data helps users determine where to focus to improve scores, and measures student growth throughout the length of the course. 


We work with employers and community leaders to ensure industry needs are part of each curriculum and reflected in our exam standards. 

Check out our full list of exams. If you don’t see what you need, we’ll work with you to develop exams that meet your requirements.


  • Kick-off meeting – determine needs and resources 
  • Write standards 
  • Item writing meetings 
  • Final review of items and approval 
  • Exam item creation in the Author Tool 
  • Exam published for pilot testing 
  • Cut-score set 
  • Testing begins 


We’ve developed hundreds of exams for employers and CTE programs across the country – let us help develop your local talent. Our psychometricians work with your subject-matter experts to create certification exams that are specific to you needs and aligned with industry standards 


Do you have an exam recommendation?

The YouScience exam team listens to subject-matter experts from various industries to keep content up to date and relevant to today’s jobs. Each of our exams is reviewed on a one- to three-year cycle by a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) from industries and education.

We closely monitor rapidly advancing areas to stay abreast of changes. When industries adapt and change, so do we.  If you have a cutting-edge exam recommendation, let us know! Simply fill out the form below and we’ll review your recommendation.