Jan. 26, 2022, Valiant CEO’s Jed Morley interviewed Edson Barton, founder and CEO of YouScience.

The interview titled, “Edson Barton – YouScience – Empowering Individuals to Uncover Their Hidden Natural Talent” covered Edson’s personal journey. In the interview, Edson shared how he got started as an entrepreneur, what sparked his desire to change the way education works, how important our own personal brands are and why he’s so passionate about helping individuals discover their natural talents and strengths.

When asked about where he sees the company five years from now, Edson commented, “I want it to be the most important [education company] because what we’re trying to solve are fundamental issues within education and for individuals; to create new ways for people to set their lives in motion in such a way that they’ll never be the same. When we can do that effectively, it absolutely changes people’s lives for the better.”

Find the full article on the Valiant CEO website.