Have you noticed that we live in a world where it is much easier to tear down, complain, and point fingers than it is to participate in becoming part of the solution? Of course you have, it’s impossible not to notice that this epidemic of finger pointing permeates key areas of concern such as politics, law enforcement, economics, foreign policy and education.
Might I present you with a very small opportunity to become a contributing partner in providing a solution to an education issue that desperately calls for expert input from industry professionals like yourself?
Career and Technical Education (CTE) in the high schools provide relevant training and education on most all things career related. According to Career Tech, the national association of state leadership on all things CTE, there are sixteen national “career clusters:”
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Business Management & Administration
Education & Training
Government & Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Teachers provide their students with the most current instruction based on Industry Recognized Standards. Here’s where you come in as an industry professional. Why not contribute your knowledge and experience and spend a few minutes rating these Industry Recognized Standards? At Precision Exams we have administered over 6 million assessments and offer over 160 certifications across these career clusters to schools in 47 states, and we welcome input from professionals like yourself. In fact, we’ve made it so easy for you to participate that it’s about the same process as giving feedback on Netflix or Amazon. Click here, register (we need to make sure the feedback is really coming from you, a reliable source), and take five minutes to rate the standards and give some feedback. We’ll take it from there and ensure your feedback is part of the annual review process on each assessment.
Your contribution is appreciated, and timely. Students who engage in CTE courses graduate on average 12% higher than their counterparts who don’t. CTE answers the question, “When am I ever going to use this?” So your feedback, as a professional in the field, is extremely valuable. We thank you for being a part of the solution.