Schedule of Data

Exhibit C – Schedule of Data
Category of Data Elements Used by YouScience’s System Received from School Received from Student (or parent or guardian)
Application Technology Meta Data IP Addresses of users, Use of cookies, etc.
Other application technology meta data-Please specify:  Information about the browser, and OS that the user might be using to access our system.   
Application Use Statistics


Meta data on user interaction with application

Assessment Standardized test scores



Observation data




Other assessment data-Please specify:

Aptitude assessments, skill certifications, and work-based learning assessments


Attendance Student school (daily) attendance data



Student class attendance data



Communications Online communications captured (emails, blog entries)
Conduct Conduct or behavioral data



Demographics Date of Birth
Place of Birth



Ethnicity or race
Language information (native, or primary language spoken by student)



Other demographic information – Please specify: zip code      



Category of Data Elements Used by YouScience’s System Received from School Received from Student (or parent or guardian)




Student school enrollment
Student grade level
Guidance counselor
Specific curriculum programs      
Year of graduation
Other enrollment information-Please specify: Academic course planning information.
Parent/Guardian Contact Information Address
Parent/Guardian ID Parent ID number (created to link parents to students)




Parent/Guardian Name First and/or Last
Schedule Student scheduled courses


Teacher names



Special Indicator English language learner information
Low income status



Medical alerts/ health data
Student disability information
Specialized education services (IEP or 504)





Category of Data Elements Used by YouScience’s System Received from School Received from Student (or parent or guardian)
Special Indicator (continued) Living situations (homeless/foster care)
Other indicator information-Please specify:
Student Contact Information Address  
Student Identifiers Local (School district) ID number  
State ID number  
Provider/App assigned student ID number  
Student app username  
Student app passwords
Student Name First and/or Last
Student In App Performance Program/application performance (typing program- student types 60 wpm, reading program-student reads below grade level)  
Student Program Membership Academic or extracurricular activities a student may belong to or participate in  
Student Survey Responses Student responses to surveys or questionnaires  
Student work Student generated content; writing, pictures, etc.  
Other student work data -Please specify:  Performance measures of aptitude and skills; interest surveys, resume information, education and career plans, preferences for post-secondary, career, employment; certification and career guidance results; employer and post-secondary communications  


Category of Data Elements Used by YouScience’s system Received from School Received from Student (or parent or guardian)
Transcript Student course grades
Student course data    
Student course grades/ performance scores    
Other transcript data – Please specify:    
Transportation Student bus assignment
Student pick up and/or drop off location    
Student bus card ID number    
Other transportation data – Please specify:    

Please list each additional data element used, stored, or collected by your application:

YouScience proprietary algorithms generate career recommendations, academic program fit scores, skill certification scores, and employment fit based on student inputs.